“The best prediction of a person’s success in this program is the willingness to honestly examine and admit the consequences of their anger problem.”

— Gavin Hodgson

Anger is a completely normal healthy human emotion. The problem begins when anger gets out of control, turns destructive and affects not only our personal relationships but, other areas of our lives as well.

Frustration, tension, impatience, angry outbursts, tightness in muscles, sweating, rapid heartbeat and verbal lashing are just some of the symptoms of anger. As stated above - anger is atypical human emotion – it cannot always be avoided but it can be managed effectively. How we express our anger can either get us into trouble or help us to express our feelings in a way that creates positive change.

When anger becomes a problem, it can lead to serious consequences such as loss of our life partners, friendships, depression and anxiety, problems at work, increased drug or alcohol use, legal charges and even jail time.

Anger Management is the process of engaging novelty through learning and promoting the ‘Growth Mindset’. The brain is designed to develop and evolve through Psycho-Activity.

Psycho-Activity is the tool we activate in our clients. Our Specialists will work through analyzing integrated fragmented anger states with each of our clients. This approach ultimately increases an individual’s confidence, self-esteem, and sense of inner personal power or OK’ness.

Anger Management Program:

Our Anger management program provides education and/or a therapeutic opportunity to deal with anger in a positive, functional way.

Utilizing the latest in Mindfulness Techniques and addressing a client’s daily Lifestyle, Psycho-Active Anger Management is Neuroplasticity-in-Action. The more connections between neurons are formed, the more we grow and develop. As those connections get stronger, the less we have to think about what we’re doing. Our goal is to cultivate Cognitive Awareness.


  • Self-Talk

  • Mindfulness

  • Respectful Listening

  • Understanding Physical Cues

  • Recognizing Bating and instigation cues

  • Styles of Communication

  • Time Out Strategy

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Stress Management

Intense emotions such as anger are often triggered in unexpected situations, in our personal relationships or in the workplace.

  • Anger might sometimes appear out of the blue and surprise everyone by its sudden onset and intensity.

  • Angry feelings might be present a lot of the time for no clear reason.

  • Anger can mask, or substitute for, other difficult feelings such as fear, hurt, guilt, jealousy, frustration or shame.

Both fear and anger are powerful motivators that can trigger the body’s primal instincts to, “fight, flight or freeze”. Your heart rate and breathing may speed up, the face may flush, the jaw and fists might clench, and the voice may get louder. This is the body preparing to act.

Our Anger Management program can help participants to identify their anger style, their triggers and the scenarios that prompt anger. The Specialist then assists the participant in examining different strategies for dealing with anger. Programs may also deal with conflict resolution, by examining different responses to conflict and conflict resolution styles.

The big question is: What kind of action will follow when our primal instincts have been activated? Are we able to ground ourselves and find our sense of ‘OKness’? Participants may include people who internalize their anger as well as those who act it out verbally or in behaviour towards others. It’s important to remember that anger, though powerful, is just an emotion.

Group classes

Individual sessions

Open Enrollment – This means participants may join lessons in progress, they do not have to wait, you can get help today.

Times that suit you and work with your schedule - both daytime and evening appointments are available.

We offer classes and individual sessions with a Gender-inclusive focus. Research indicates that there are few substantive differences between treating male versus female domestic violence offenders

Likewise, these programs are appropriate for members of our LGBTQ community, and, are fully dynamic and able to meet the unique needs of every individual.

Anger Management Specialists have been educated by the leaders in this field to ensure that people who call themselves Anger Management Specialists actually know what they are doing.

Individual training for professionals

Court ordered participation

Corporate recommended education and training

Our instructors are trained and certified Anger Management Specialists – In conjunction with the National Anger Management Association (NAMA).

Programs may be court-ordered or voluntary. We will issue a comprehensive report and/or a Certificate of Completion subject to the approval of the Ontario Justice Court System, after the successful completion of the program.